spontaneous birthings

head fluff when illuminated can reveal some very special things

answers not required

Those who know me, who have listened to me rant and rave about society, culture, my life, their life, etc., know that I tend to get dreamy and philosophical.

I’ve been hit with something recently that is too fresh to expand on here, but that has opened a new door in yet another hallway, to yet another bungalow in my life.

In the past couple of years, I’ve felt that I’ve grown what a normal person my age would grow in, say, 5 or 6 years.  Yes, it’s that dramatic.  I’ve changed my lifestyle so I can better live the way I admire and eventually embrace without effort.  I’m talking a life of minimum sugar (a major obstacle for me), minimum caffeine (another obstacle), of meditation and calm (the former is like climbing Mt. Everest and the latter and I have a nice friendship going on), of bubbling laughter and good vibes and good food – you know, a lifetime of vacation.  Not to discount hard work (I can be quite the over-achiever), but really I think we all can live a “vacation” life – and still treat each other with compassion and respect.

Back to philosophizing.  I thought the other day, “Who am I really?” “Where do I fit in the big picture?”

I thought I had myself figured out; I know what I like and dislike; I know what values I seek in friends and lovers, what I fear about relationships in general; I know my life goals.  I am more confident with myself and what I offer others than I have ever felt in my life; yet, I still felt doubt about my true self in that moment.

I’ve always wanted answers. I’m curious; I ask questions a lot. But sometimes, answers aren’t required. So I guess I’m not done growing up. Such is the cliche, but it is exciting, no?

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